
OS&Y Gate valve

OS&Y gate valve used to control water flow to fire sprinkler system. OS&Y means “outside stem and yoke” or "outside screw and yoke". OS&Y gate valves operate by opening and closing via a gate, which lowers into or rises out of the valve.

NRS Gate valve

NRS means Non-Rising Stem. In an NRS valve, the stem will turn to open and close the gate, but the stem does not move up or down as it turns. These valves are usually buried underground to prevent the risk of freeze.

Butterfly valves

A butterfly valve isolates or regulates the flow of fluid through piping systems. Butterfly valves for fire protection serve as control valves that turn on or shut off the flow of water to the pipes serving fire sprinkler or standpipe systems.

Swing check valves

Swing check valves are used to prevent back flow in the line. The pressure of the fluid passing through a system opens the valve, while any reversal of flow will close the valve. This allows the flow of water in one direction only.

Air release valve

Air release valves are probably the most widely used type of air valve in firefighting systems. These Air release valves automatically vent small pockets of accumulated air during startup and as they accumulate in fire protection systems. 

Test & Drain Valves

Test and Drain Valve is a type of ball valve used in fire systems, especially for testing whether the system is working or not. The ball used in the test and drain valve consists of 3 positions as test, drain and off. The drain position ensures that it can be used as a drain valve when requested. The flow through the sight glass on both sides of the Test and Drain Valve can be observed.

Motorized valves

Motorized valves are the type of valves, if electric motor is equipped and geared with the valve stem so that when the motor operates, the valve will open or close. An actuator is used in MOV( Motor Operated Valve). These valves allow the flow to be stopped, started, and adjusted as necessary to ensure that operations continue as scheduled.

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Ernakulam - 682032, Kerala, India.

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